
This Is the Last Day of Eric's Bachelorhood

October 22, 2022

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

This is the first paragraph of the Charles Dickens, the Tale of Two Cities. You Are Welcome.

I figured since there were so many scores yesterday, it would get you ready for the ridiculous tome I am about to write.

You know what, no, you mutha duckers are going to get the cliff notes.

Quick Dam and Manville Pizza ended up with the answer to all acknowledgements by CB'ers, "10-4 good buddy. " Yep, The first 4 goals of the game were all by Shawn Smith. Shawn literally had the same amount of goals as Manville. Then it was a myriad of goal scorers. Lisi, Pizzo, Franco, Nardone, Lefebvre and Labelle with the other 6 goals for Quick Dam. Brian Roman had a scorcher for Manville. Don't know the other numbers for Manville. Suffice it to say, I am sure they are onto Cincinnati.

Here is where the most interesting part of the night starts. Edge Doctor vee Green Goddess. Put it to you this way, Neil Yee asked Mr. D if he was running out of ink. In the beginning, this game was tight, tight like well tight. Goddess got a goal right at the mid point of the first, Steve Lombardi on the tally. Ed Cardoso for Edge Doctor would get the tying goal. Then it would Be Jay-Cinq Mars on the goal a beauty. Edge Doctor would not go away, getting one at 1.9 seconds left in the first. It was on, on like a gorilla that tries to kill an Italian fella with Barrels. You know what I mean? The second was all Edge Doctor. Steve Owens with a Hat Trick in the second to go ahead by 3 with Peter Meegan getting one as well. On the other side, Andy Morrison got his game going. And onto the third, Ed Cardoso show, it was his second to start the third. And then, Steve Lombardi and Jimmy Meegan would not be denied for Goddess. Then Ed Cardoso got another to complete the Hatty. The next 3 were all Andy Morrison. Getting them all within a minute. All of a sudden Edge Doctor was sweating like a whore in church. With just under 3 minutes to go Brian Cormier would break blow it up with the game winner. What a crazy game. Edge Doctor would win 9-8.

Ok, back to our regularly scheduled programming. This is a reasonable amount of goals and game. Vescera Law and Final Touch would go at it. Unfortunately, Final Touch was rutterless without their fearless leader Shannon. The 2 teams would skate to a nuttin nuttin tie in the first. Nuttin up and shuttin up. In the second Mike Thomas would find the back of the net off of Mike Bonins boot. In the third Evin Huguenin would roof it for the tying goal. Five minutes in, Aimee what you gonna do...Oh yeah, Aimee Accino would get the Touch the lead with a beauty. Unfortunately, the lead would last for just over a minute, as Vescera would press and press and press and score. And that is how it would end, 2-2 tie. Yep, Final Touch with the ties. That is 3 out of 5 games. Cracky. Anyway the standings are tight.

I hope everyone enjoyed the goal scoring last night. I did not. 

Hope everyone has a great week. Halloween is on the horizon. Make plans to go to Richmond, RI on Saturday the 29th. Wicked Rhode will be scaring up a great time, with great music.

Live, Breathe, Love..........................HOCKEY!!!!