North Smithfield, The Matty Chronicles Reboot
Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen and All the Ships at sea, Friday Night NRI Hockey is back! 2 final weeks and then the playoffs to finish off the covid paused season. fuck you covid! sorry. Tonight's match up has Votta Properties and Vescera Law starting us off to regain the season momentum. Votta can make up some points the next two weeks and cement a place in the middle. In the next match up the first place Manville Palace Pizza is just getting their skates in as they are not moving out of the first place spot. However, they face a team that would like to kick Manny's out of second. Green Goddess has 25 points and 2 games to go. In the final game, Manny's is a bit down trodden with one week, then a bye then the playoffs. Plus a few of the players are either hurt or unable to play. Their opponent, Roman Law, would love to kick Votta out of their way and cement a middle position. Still a lot of drama in this. Stay tuned.