Summer Hockey Sign up and Deposits
NRIAHL is excited to announce summer hockey sign ups. Please let Jim Galligher know if you are planning to join the summer league and put in a deposit of $150. to secure your spot.
The summer league fee is $350 for the season plus playoffs. NRI AHL plays on Friday Nights at the RI Sports Center (146 rink). This league is ABCD ranked Draft league with 7 teams of 10 players and a goalie. Space is limited as players coming back will get first spots. Please make your intentions known as soon as possible.
It is with a heavy heart and a light wallet that 25% of the winter league fees have not been paid! If you have not paid your winter fee in full, you cannot play in the playoffs. DO NOT LET YOUR TEAM DOWN! Pay up! You will also not be able to join the summer league until your Winter account is cleared up and a deposit has been given.
See you at the rink!
Live, Breathe, Love...........................Hockey!